WELCOME! Hi there and welcome to my website. I'm here!
April 14, 2008: Mom and Dad finally let me leave the hospital. Mom was pretty exhausted so she decided to stay at Club Med (that's Good Sam for you adults) for a few more hours and catch up on some sleep. I keep hearing Dad say we're doing good, so things must be ok!
April 12, 2008: Well, I SHOWED THEM! I couldn't wait either and got things going on my own! Mom and Dad started at the hospital on Friday night, got sent home at 2AM, then went back to hospital Saturday (today) about 9AM. Well, 12 hours later and I am here!!
9:05PM, 7lbs, 20in long
April 11, 2008: If you are reading this, you are one of the first to know! My Mom and Dad can't seem to wait for me to see them, sooo... they are planning to get things moving on Monday night the 14th and if everything goes as planned (and if you know my parents, they plan everything), I should be safely in their arms by Tuesday night! Yippee!
Click the logo to see my pictures > > > < < < You can see pictures of my family there too!
Click the logo to see my videos on YouTube > > > < < < I think you'll figure out which ones are me!